보팔 2024-2025 주립 보드 스쿨 목록

2 결과가 발견되었습니다. 발행 로 히트 말릭 최종 업데이트 : 3 년 2024 월 XNUMX 일

보팔의 주립 보드 스쿨, Oxford Convent Higher Secondary School, Krishak Nagar, 3, New Jail Rd, Rusalli, Karond, Karond, Bhopal
보는 사람: 584 11.18 KM
(0 vote)
(0 투표) 주간 학교
School Type 학교 유형 주간 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 주위원회
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 보육원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 7,650

Expert Comment: Oxford Convent Higher Secondary School is built on the idea that every student in the school is an individual, and there is a difference in needs and abilities between every child. The stages of development in each kid are differently paced.... Read more

보팔 주립 보드 학교, Arera Convent Higher Secondary School, 490, Sarvadharma Colony, Sector-B Kolar Road, E-6,Arera Colony, 보팔
보는 사람: 4566 22.19 KM
(5 투표)
(5 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 주위원회, CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 보육원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 14,600

Expert Comment: Primarily, the Arera Convent Higher Secondary school aims to instil in the child a regular school-going habit with love for education and stimulate their sensory attributes. The co-educational institution has its focus on various co-curricular activities. Apart from achieving excellence in academics, the school aims to develop the students' personalities to make them worthy citizens of our country. The "Strengthy Souls Education Society runs Arera Convent Higher Secondary School Bhopal." Bhopal. Established in the year 1991, Arera Convent Higher Secondary School is one of the oldest schools of Bhopal city,... Read more

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