아난드의 학교 목록 2024-2025

4 결과가 발견되었습니다. 발행 로 히트 말릭 최종 업데이트 : 3 년 2024 월 XNUMX 일

Anand에 있는 학교, Swaminarayan Vidyapith, PBNo : 3,Anand - Sojitra Road, Karamsad, Anand, Anand
보는 사람: 5168 5.54 KM
(6 투표)
(6 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 여학교
Grade Upto 학년 클래스 1 - 12

연회비 ₹ 45,000

Expert Comment: Swaminarayan Vidyapith is one of the best day-cum-boarding schools for girls. The English medium and all-girls school offer the best facility of accommodating while delivering the best and valuable knowledge to the students for their better future. The school sincerely follows the curriculum and syllabus approved by the CBSE board of education. Sprawled over 50 acres of land, the school aims to cater to students from 4th to 12th.... Read more

Anand에 있는 학교, Vatsalya International School, Near Anand Chowkdi, Dharmaj Road, Borsad, Anand, Anand, Anand
보는 사람: 3595 17.27 KM
(6 투표)
(6 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 보육원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 80,000

Expert Comment: Vatsalya International School is a co-educational, day boarding cum residential school that aims to produce catalysts of social, moral, spiritual and intellectual changes incorporated with the learning of selfless service to humanity. The school upholds highly qualified and experienced teachers dedicated to nurturing the students future while providing them with the best quality education following the CBSE curriculum.... Read more

아난드에 있는 학교, Swaminarayan Gurukul International School, Bakrol-Vadtal Road, Opp. Parth township, Vallabhvidhyanagar, 구자라트, 바크롤, 아난드
보는 사람: 3148 3.93 KM
(7 투표)
(7 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 소년 학교
Grade Upto 학년 클래스 6 - 12

연회비 ₹ 80,000

Expert Comment: Swaminarayan Gurukul, the educational institution established in the year 2010. The school is placed as one of the top schools in Bakrol. SGIS is the most reputed and known school having its different branch with the same vision to bring holistic development in an individual, providing the best environment that is even efficient to their mind, health and soul. The school follows value-based teaching and has its curriculum of CBSE that further makes it more special.... Read more

Anand의 학교, Podar International School - Anand, Podar International School, Near Moti Khodiyar Mandir Opp. 라다 스와미 아쉬람, 오프. 100 feet road, Salatia Road, 아난드
보는 사람: 299 2.15 KM
(0 vote)
(0 투표) 주간 학교
School Type 학교 유형 주간 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE (12 일까지)
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 보육원 - 12

Expert Comment :

연회비 ₹ 45,000
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