Kollam 2024-2025의 학교 목록

6 결과가 발견되었습니다. 발행 로 히트 말릭 최종 업데이트 : 3 년 2024 월 XNUMX 일

Kollam, Sabarigiri Residential School, Anchal,Kollam District, Agasthicode, Kollam의 학교
보는 사람: 5176 33.93 KM
(5 투표)
(5 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE, 주위원회
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 유아원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 25,000

Expert Comment: Sabarigiri Residential School, the first CBSE School located in Kollam. Since 1978-79 when the school was established, it has been making giant strides in quality CBSE affiliated school education from kindergarten to Senior Secondary level schooling that reflects the worldwide networking of alumni students holding valuable posts and leading organizations in various fields. Moreover, the boarding school have given homely care to every student for helping them to learn and grow better... Read more

Kollam, Delhi 공립학교 Kollam, Meyanoor, Kollam, Kerala, Meyanoor, Kollam에 있는 학교
보는 사람: 4139 14.19 KM
공식 온라인 등록
(0 vote)
(0 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE (12 일까지)
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 유아원 - 12

Expert Comment :

Kollam, The Oxford School, Kollam, Mylapure PO, Umayanalloor, Kollam, Kollam, Kollam의 학교
보는 사람: 2558 4.22 KM
(0 vote)
(0 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 유아원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 36,800

Expert Comment: For Oxford School to be a really remarkable institution with a stellar academic record that offers first-rate care, guidance, support, and development to all students so that they have a good school experience and graduate well-prepared for life after graduation. Oxford School is endowed with a world-class infrastructure, including Boys' and Girls' dorms with state-of-the-art amenities, as well as an engaged faculty and staff who are driven by a strong sense of social responsibility. Oxford School will provide a cheerful, memorable, and powerful education for everyone who take advantage of the numerous chances given.... Read more

Kollam의 학교, Carmel Residential Senior Secondary School, Kadalavila, Nellikkunnam PO, Kottarakkara Kollam, Kottarakkara Kollam, Kollam
보는 사람: 1192 21.04 KM
(0 vote)
(0 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 유아원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 23,600

Expert Comment: Students at Carmel go through a radical change as a result of our unrelenting teaching and encouragement to think creatively and work hard. Teaching numerous courses in a way that students can readily understand and remember, scientific experiments, training in extracurricular activities, and teaching ethics and social values are all ways that we improve our students' outlook on life. All of Carmel's activities are geared on assisting students in undergoing this metamorphosis and acquiring the qualities they need to succeed in the real world.... Read more

Kollam의 학교, St. Thomas Residential Central School, Ezhammile, Manampuzha PO Kadampanad, Manampuzha, Kollam
보는 사람: 952 22.53 KM
(0 vote)
(0 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 유아원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 18,200

Expert Comment: STRCS is dedicated to provide students the greatest possible education. While academic success is the primary goal for each kid, we also look at their abilities in a wide range of other areas. To maximise a child's potential, we employ cutting-edge methods as well as tried-and-true teaching strategies that are both supportive and energising. The school places a significant importance on the development of students' character, morals, and ethics. STRCS's natural beauty and tranquilly contribute to a healthy learning environment for students and instructors alike.... Read more

Kollam, Lordkrishna Residential Public School, Panikkar Paniyil, Chathannoor, Chathannoor, Kollam에 있는 학교
보는 사람: 936 12.24 KM
(0 vote)
(0 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 보육원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 30,000

Expert Comment: The school's goal is to provide students with an exceptional education. Teachers will play an important role in moulding children, but coaching will be predominantly student-centered.... Read more

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