Kottayam의 학교 목록 2024-2025

4 결과가 발견되었습니다. 발행 로 히트 말릭 최종 업데이트 : 3 년 2024 월 XNUMX 일

Kottayam의 학교, Ebenezer 국제 주거 학교, Thottumalil Ebenezer Gardens, Ratnagiri, Pattithanam PO, Ettumanoor, Kottayam, Kottayam
보는 사람: 5848 11.78 KM
(6 투표)
(6 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 보육원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 44,400

Expert Comment: Ebenezer International Residential School populary known as EIRS was established in 2002 in kottayam, with an aim to provide quality education and nurture the students growth in Kerala. affiliated to CBSE board its a co-educational school. The school caters to the students from Kindergarten to grade 12 in english medium. Its a residentsial cum day boarding school.... Read more

Kottayam에 있는 학교, 노동 인도 공립 학교 및 단기 대학, Labourhills Marangattupilly, Marangattupilly, Kottayam
보는 사람: 4984 18.42 KM
(6 투표)
(6 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 유아원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 1,54,000

Expert Comment: Located in Marangattupilly, Kerala Labour India Gurukulam Public School is a residential school. Established in 1993 the school system integrates a sports schedule and community service. Affiliated to CBSE board school caters to the students from pre school to Junior college. Its an English medium school ofeerin quality education to the students.... Read more

Kottayam, The Rajas International School, Homeo College Road, Sachivothamapuram, Kurichy, Kurichy, Kottayam에 있는 학교
보는 사람: 3436 10.02 KM
(6 투표)
(6 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 IGCSE, CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 LKG - 12

연회비 ₹ 42,000

Expert Comment: The Rajas International School was established in the year 1984. The co-educational institution has its affiliation to the IGCSE and CBSE board creating an idyllic and conducive environment for the students to bring holistic development. The school nurtures the talent and creativity of the student, encouraging them to excel in the field they are passionate about and want to achieve higher goals in life.... Read more

Kottayam, Sacred Heart Public School, SH Mount Rd, Kumaranalloor, Kottayam, Kottayam, Kottayam에 있는 학교
보는 사람: 1291 1.56 KM
(0 vote)
(0 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 유아원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 20,000

Expert Comment: The Oblates of the Sacred Heart (O. S. H.) founded Sacred Heart Public School in 1996 to commemorate the Society's platinum jubilee. In 2004, the Sacred Heart Public School moved up to the next grade level. While in Kottayam Town, it enjoys the town's amenities while being removed from the city's noise and smog by S. H. Mount, near M. C. Road. The ambiance is always one of peace and tranquilly, making it ideal for intellectual pursuits to take place.... Read more

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