2024-2025 Palakkad의 학교 목록

3 결과가 발견되었습니다. 발행 로 히트 말릭 최종 업데이트 : 3 년 2024 월 XNUMX 일

Palakkad, MES International School, MINI CIVIL STATION, Pattambi, Pattambi, Palakkad의 학교
보는 사람: 2678 51.5 KM
(1 투표)
(1 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 보육원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 80,000

Expert Comment: To help individuals who were disadvantaged, the M.E.S. International School, Pattambi opened in 1978. The goal of the school is to create a community in which each student's positive potential can be fully realised. The entire curriculum aims to enable each student to attain some level of success so that the school experience can boost the self-esteem of everyone. While academic performance is highly valued, the school also emphasises a well-rounded education and gives students enough chance to study and experiment in a wide range of fields, including the arts, sports, sciences, culture, and social spheres, throughout their time there.... Read more

Palakkad, Shalom Residential Public School, Shalom Nagar, Kosathara Road, Chittur, Chittur, Palakkad의 학교
보는 사람: 1638 14.67 KM
(0 vote)
(0 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 보육원 - 12

연회비 ₹ 30,000

Expert Comment: To meet the needs of students from the nearby area as well as those from further afield, Shalom Residential Public School opened its doors. For a limited number of students, residential facilities are available on the school's grounds. English is the predominant language used in the classroom. The significance of fluent spoken English as well as a child's overall discipline are emphasised. In India as well as around the world, students have the chance to be a part of every major educational breakthrough.... Read more

Palakkad의 학교, Mount Seena 기관 그룹, NAGARIPURAM PO PATHIRIPALA PALAKKAD, Pathirippala, Palakkad
보는 사람: 1095 20.27 KM
(0 vote)
(0 투표) 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Type 학교 유형 데이 겸 기숙 학교
School Board 교육 위원회 CBSE
Type of school 성별 공동 학교
Grade Upto 학년 클래스 1 - 12

연회비 ₹ 22,100

Expert Comment: There are transnational perspectives at Mount Seena Public School, which was founded in 1998 under BSKT trust and is linked to the central board of secondary school education in New Delhi, India. It is committed to instilling human values such as non-communism, and it works hard to produce perfect citizens by giving students every opportunity to unlock their full potential and build a solid moral basis for their future. As the world changes, they must be ready by encouraging self-discipline, high intellectual success, and physical fitness.... Read more

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