+91 8277988911

List of IGCSE Schools in Anand Nagar, Patiala - Fees, Reviews, Admission

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Rajbaha Road, Sewak Colony, SewakColony, Patiala
Board: ICSE, CIE
Gender: Co-Ed School
Grade: Class 10
Email: mainoffi***
Phone: +91 988***
Fee Details ₹ 24000/ Year

About School: The School was set up in April 1994 as an English medium co-ed institution to impart to students liberal, balanced and quality education on modern lines so as to inspire the students to become worthy of the rich cultural heritage of India.The School runs without any distinctions of race, creed, caste or social status expecting to inspire students to develop in an atmosphere of Indian tradition, culture and social environments. Summer Valley School expects to imbibe the best features of public schools such as discipline, spirit-de-corps, character building, physical development, spirit of chivalry, fairplay and straight forwardness.Read More

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