Learning at D.A.V. Boys Gopalapuram is not restricted to ensuring academic success alone but preparing students to take on the global challenges without compromising on “their character their cultures and above all their Indianness.”D.A.V. Boys Senior Secondary School situated at Gopalapuram, Chennai is the first branch of the D.A.V. Group of Schools managed by The Tamil Nadu Arya Samaj Educational Society which is registered under the Societies Act.It was established in 1970 and is affiliated to and fully recognized up to the class XII level by the C.B.S.E. New Delhi.With a highly qualified, competent and dedicated faculty, D.A.V.B.S.S.School has carved a niche for itself in the academic domains of the country. It currently has around 95+ teaching staff and student strength of around 2600 boys.
From dance, drama, art, theatre to debating and creative writing the schools hosts a lot of activities to engage the students.